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Purpose of Computer Center account

  1. E-mail: Provide e-mail services for school faculties, staffs and students. Computer Center also accept applications of official e-mail account for offices.
  2. Personal webspace: Provide personal webspace for school faculties, staffs and students.
  3. Portal: Enable students' account to login Portal.
  4. Wireless Network authentication: Provide wireless network authentication for school faculties, staffs and students.
  5. Computer Center terminal login: Provide Computer Center terminal login for school faculties, staffs and students.

Account application instruction

  1. Students: When a freshman(including transfer students and students return from leave) enter NCU, Computer Center will create an account for the freshman automatically, students have to go to student account activation site to activate their account.
  2. Faculties: The forms new faculties filled in when they report for duty at personnel office already included Computer Center E-mail account application form, but it takes about half a month or a full month to finish official processes, if you are in a urgent need, please fill in account application form and send it to Computer Center. By this way, the account would be created in three days.
  3. Official E-mail: This kind of e-mail account is only used for officially contact. All account name would be ncu*****(Please replace *****with office extension number) Please fill in Official E-mail account application form and send it to Computer Center, the account would be created in three working day.

Account regulations

  1. Precautions
    • The owner of account is prohibited to utilize the account to engage in profitable operations, endanger system security, harass others and commit any other inappropriate behavior. If any of the mentioned behavior is found, the account would be banned permanently and the owner would be legally look into the relevant liability thereof.
    • The owner of account have responsibilities to keep his account safe, including:
      • (a) Remember the password of account and prevent it from being used by others.
      • (b) It is prohibited to exchange account or lend account to others. If an account owner didn't keep his account properly and led to the prohobited behavior mentioned in a. happen, the account would be banned for at least three months, and the owner wouldbe sent to disipline committee.
  2. Account disable regulation

    In order to avoid users doesn't use their account frequently for a long time and led to account being stolen or effect system security,if users won't need their account for a long time, please send an apply for account disable to Computer Center.


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